Saturday, January 24, 2015

Personal Traveler: Love Blew In

This is my third personal traveler. I am recycling a stamp that I used in an LTC tracker because I love the stamp. This stamp represents my dog, Love Blew In, who I named after I wrote the poem/song. She has truly brought more love into my life. To acquire this stamp, tell me what breed Blew Girl is.

Personal Traveler: The Ride

Since I am in the process of planting letterboxes that were inspired by poems I have written, I thought maybe I should include the poems/songs that inspired my personal travelers. 
"The Ride" started out as a poem, but evolved into a song. I have recorded the songs I've written on the computer, mostly so that I wouldn't forget what the tune for each song is...because I find I cannot transfer my tunes to a musical staff. My aunt by marriage, Marianne, wanted to hear my songs, so I sent her a CD. She is very musically gifted and wrote me a letter telling me that "The Ride" was her favorite song. Here it is in all its scrap booked glory:

To obtain this personal traveler, ask me "What is Marianne's favorite song?